Infra Gestion
A facilitator of public investment
We support public and private entities in bringing to life major investment projects in social and economic infrastructure, from preliminary discussions to the establishment of the contractual vehicle and its follow-up.
We carry out advisory missions in structuring investments, both in the choice of legal structure and optimal funding. We also help governments in designing laws and regulations for Public-Private Partnerships.
An innovative funding approach
Our thorough knowledge of the financial sector allows us to propose the most innovative and appropriate funding solutions to our clients.
The satisfaction of our client as a driving goal
We have developed long term relationships with both our clients and our partners thanks to our ability to solve their funding issues.
Our expertise
Infra Gestion benefits from a driving vision on its projects. We operate throughout the decision-making cycle of the projects and their duration.
We use our deep knowledge of both the public and the private sector to advise economic players in the making of global contracts, such as public-private partnerships.
More specifically, our team masters feasibility studies, financial modelling and structuring of investment funds, the development of risk matrixes for several projects and the optimisation of the current legislative framework according to the constraints encountered.
Infra Gestion has many advisory missions in Africa on its track record, in countries such as Kenya, Tunisia or Morocco. Our team has a substantial expertise in in the PPP understanding and the legal and institutional framework for many different types of public and private entities both in France and in emerging markets.
Financial consulting for public entities
We rely on our indisputable experience in the establishment and the financial structuring of public investment projects and long-term contracts for the provision of public facilities (high schools, fire stations, barracks, public real estate, etc).
Infra Gestion intervenes and advises throughout the decision-making process of public entities when setting up their strategic investment projects. Our ultra-specialization allows a rebalancing of forces by putting our experience at the service of the public interest in front of the private operators applying for complex contracts.
Financial consulting for private entities
We have worked for industrials and major companies of the construction industry on many public-private partnerships (roads, activity centres, housing stocks…).
Infra Gestion follows a global policy, overlooking the entire conduct of the project – from the initial application phasis to the delivery of the equipment. In conjunction with our role of advisors, we are also able to provide auditing services: by reviewing models and contracts, we provide some insight and raise awareness specific on issues.
Financial intermediation
Our positioning at the heart of projects and our ability to work for both sides (public entity and private companies), combined with our fields of expertise, has led us to take on the role of an investor and/or a financial intermediary on our operations:
We have invested a part of our equity in operations for which we have overlooked all the process.
Financial intermediation
Our positioning inside industrial companies allows us to structure financial assets that can take many shapes: direct investments through debt funds, equity funds, bank loans, buyouts of project companies. This role helps us bring a major added value and innovative and complementary services for the success of projects.